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Guidelines for Non-Consensual Content

An inherent part of allowing it is explicit consent as a fundament for a safe platform. Therefore we require a signed consent form from every user who uploads adult content. This content form is provided to the user after a successful identification in order to be able to associate it with the respective uploader profile. The written agreement prohibits the uploader from providing any illegal content as well as violating any of our guidelines and policies. With the signing of the agreement the user assures that every person depicted in the uploaded content has provided their consent and is aware of the upload to our platform.


It is prohibited to upload, post, send in a private messaging or otherwise share content (images or videos) which was obtained without prior consent of the person portrait in this content. Sharing and uploading the material further requires the uploader to obtain and keep on record written consent from all persons depicted in the content covering the consent of being depicted, to this material being uploaded as well as being distributed and in certain cases to it being downloaded by other users if such option is made available by the uploader. An important step required to be followed by the uploader while obtaining these agreements is also to verify the legal age of all persons depicted and to be able to provide supporting documentation to us upon demand.

It is explicitly forbidden to upload or otherwise share any material exposing private or identifying information about a particular person, without this individual being aware of it. This also includes the sharing of explicit content that was forwarded to the uploader by the person depicted in the material, but without having the intention of the content being made available to others (“revenge porn”).

Any content involving, simulating, animating or describing non-consensual sexual activity, forced sexual activity, assault of any kind, rape or violent actions towards other persons is prohibited.

No persons depicted in the content uploaded can appear drugged or otherwise intoxicated, even if the content is meant to be simulated or acted.

We understand the specificality of our platform and the user´s wishes for a free and safe space for exchange of sexual tastes and sensitive topics. This is why it is important to maintain a clear limits between special themes and illegal content.


Any content uploader has to verify their legal age and identity before being able to upload content. The verification process is provided by a third-party vendor that specializes in automated verifications. A signature for the consent agreement is required as an obligatory step before allowing a content upload. The agreements are associated with the profile and remain active for the duration of contractual relationship between the user and the platform provider.

All uploaded content is reviewed and assigned an age restriction category and being published in respect to the category. To minimise errors in the ratings and avoid illegal, non-consensual or otherwise prohibited content, we combine detection tools and manual reviews. This allows for prechecks through automation tools and human decision making when any uncertainties are discovered by the tool. The support team is constantly reviewing uploaded content and reports provided by other users or moderators. Users receiving questionable content are also able to report the sender and mark the message in question to make reviews easier and faster for the support team.

The deployment of the well thought through trigger words list helps to distinguish illegal intentions and a normal user interaction. A subdivision of the list into grey and black groups allows for determining the intentions by evaluating the context through tracking of the word use. Appropriate measures are then taken by the support team depending on the actual reasoning for the usage of the word.

In addition to this, we would also like to refer to our info page about forced prostitution. We want to sensitize our clients to be more careful in choosing the right service provider and, if necessary, ask for help and advice.

Consequences in violation cases

Content being reported as illegal or contradicting our policies and guidelines will be removed after review and users responsible for the upload or sharing will be banned. Measures will be taken in order to prevent the user from new registration and upload attempts with the use of automated fingerprint. We also reserve the right to notify the authorities in severe cases.

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